jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

                                              NUEVO HORARIO

📖 Hoy lunes se reanudan las consultas en la Biblioteca Municipal Bormujos, con una serie de obligaciones y medidas para garantizar la seguridad del personal y los/las usuarios en las instalaciones.

😷 En todo momento será obligatorio el uso de la mascarilla y la distancia social entre usuarios. Además, el fondo bibliográfico estará cerrado al público en general, siendo asistido únicamente por las bibliotecarias a petición de los lectores. El aforo de la Biblioteca estará también limitado.

💦 Para las consultas se fijará un uso individual del punto de lectura desde las 16:30 hasta las 14:00 horas del día siguiente, y una vez que se proceda a su desinfección podrá volver a utilizarse.

 El horario de la Biblioteca será de 9:00 a 14:00 horas y de 16:30 a 20:30 horas.

 Para la reserva de un punto de lectura será necesario llamar al 955 72 50 01 o a través del correo bibliotecabormujos@gmail.com

1 comentario:



    🔹Schedule A Consultation With Us Today.

    Globalkos Hacks is a vulnerability coordination agency that enact penetration appraise to provides wealth recovery services for individuals and companies who have lost money through fraudulent online platforms. This is acheived using a session encryption protocol whereby the location and data of a deceptive provenience are traced into their monetary based systems. Our network of investigative cohort anonymously spans across the globe making us quite prominent in this field.
    Be wary of fake testimonies online, luring you into bogus promises which will amount to you losing an additional amount of money, more like adding insult to Injury. Online Fraud has increased exponentially in recent times with the growth in popularity of crypto-currencies (Bitcoins), Binary Options, loan. It's also sad to know the law enforcement turned deaf ears to this swindle.

    We have a trained team of seasoned professionals under various skill sets when it comes to online hacking services. Our company, in fact, houses a separate group of cyber specialists who are productively focused and established authorities on different platforms. They hail from a proven track record and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture or recapture all relevant data needed by our customers. We perceive what actually threatens you and risk your business, relationships or even life. We are aware of the hazards involved. Our team under no circumstances disclose information to any third party. Our expert hacking online company supports you on time and reply to any query related to the unique services we offer.
    The benefits of using the Globalkos services.
    • Deals are kept entirely confidential.
    • Our system adheres to a fact that service fees are paid after the conclusion of the job.
    • All hack exertions carried out by the Globalkos are untraceable. This is because the system is protected with a vigorous firewall switch preventing unauthorized body from tracking or modifying our Network accessible resources NAR
    Also, the Globalkos company provide comprehensive range of services such as.
    • Credit score upgrade💳
    • Unlocking frozen cryptocurrency wallet.🔑
    • Mobile phone hack (Catching a cheating spouse.)📲
    For more info,
    Email: theglobalkos@gmail.com.
    ®Global KOS™
